Monday, October 15, 2007


Are you on vacation? Are you in South Africa? Are you at Sun City Resort? Great now you can test how far your adrenalin goes. With this exciting adventure activity: A ride on the PRONUTRO ZIP 2000, the longest zip slide in the world. The zip slide is 280 meters high, two kilometres long, and can reaches the speed of 140 kilometres per hour and guarantees a four minutes of pure adrenalin you have never imagined. The zip slide respect all necessary safety measures. Secured in a harness and suspended below a free running trolley that is attached to a steel cable experiences the feeling of flying and acceleration as you slide down the wire. At some parts of the track you can have 100m high and at others you will fly only at 4.5m above the ground. The cable runs from the top of the 280m high covering 2 km until the other side.
On the end of the ride, your speed will slow down as you go up the hill, and then roll back to the lowest point of the wire where you get off the ride. There are single or couple slides available so you can go alone or with someone to give you some courage… or not! This adventure activitie can be done by young people since the age of 12, making it more fun for the whole family. The start of the zip slide is about 5 minutes from Sun City Resort.
Try it.....

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1 comment:

sapinho said...

I enjoyed reading Around the world stuff,keep up the good information.

What do you have to say about it?