Monday, October 29, 2007

more to come next year...

Sunday morning and my cat is already up, I thought to myself, so early? what goes on with him? then I remembered that clock time had changed…
Wise cat, who told him? Not me, he can’t read, has no internet.

Then it decided to go out and I thinking on how pretty the day was, I have one hour more to enjoy. The day even went by well, but fast the night arrived, it is true now it grows dark more early. It’s winter time and we must be prepared to cold whether and rain.
What can we do? Just wait until the next March 30, 2008 for good weather better and bigger nights of fun.


VF said...

What a beautiful cat! Walk talkies, hummm!

sapinho said...

Love you're cat, looks like a phanther! I wouldn't be so sure about him not knowing how to use the internet!!!!

What do you have to say about it?